Neurofeedback is a brain exercise. We are exercising the brain’s ability to self-regulate.” – Sue Othmer, BCIAC
Neurofeedback, or EEG Biofeedback, is a learning strategy that enables persons to alter their brainwaves. When information about an individual’s brain wave characteristics is provided to that person by visual and auditory feedback through a computer game, he/she can learn to change them. One may think of this process as exercising the brain or increasing its range of motion.
Originally, Neurofeedback was used for seizure disorders and then expanded as a treatment for ADHD and ADD to improve attention, focus and concentration. As the field has grown, it is being used for a growing list of conditions that affect both children and adults.
Over time, the results are a healthier and better regulated brain.
Conditions that Neurofeedback has been successfully used for include:
- Anxiety/Panic Disorders
- Bipolar Disorders
- Conduct and Rage Disorders
- Depression
- Dyslexia and other learning disabilities
- Migraine and Tension Headaches
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
- Reactive Attachment Disorder
- Sleep Disorder including Bruxism (teeth grinding)
- Stroke
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Tourette’s Syndrome
Other disorders, dysfunctions, and disabilities in both children and adults may be amendable to treatment with Neurofeedback therapy.
Plan for Treatment: Training sessions are painless and noninvasive. Sensors applied to the scalp and/or forehead and ear lobes are used to monitor brainwaves. (There is no input through these sensors, only output from the client.) The brain responds to cues from the video/audio feedback. The therapist is responsible to set the appropriate protocols to encourage/develop flexibility of the brain. Improvement is usually seen within the first ten sessions. If the individual is taking medication, they might require adjustment. All medication will be managed and monitored by the prescribing physician in all cases.
Is it Covered by Insurance? At Emmaus we use neurofeedback in conjunction with psychotherapy in our sessions which is covered under most plans. However, we recommend that you check with your insurance carrier for your benefit coverage.